Rusty’s Jazz Cafe, 2202 Tedrow Drive (designated Jazz Avenue in 1997). Margaret “Rusty” Monroe opened Rusty’s in 1963 at 3310 Secord Road, then relocated the club to 2202 Tedrow Drive in 1979. Rusty’s Jazz Cafe was sold in 2001. Rusty passed away in 2008.
“Jazz places flourished in Toledo and at hotels including the Park Lane Hotel, the Secor Hotel, the Hillcrest Hotel, and the Commodore Perry Hotel. But it is Rusty’s Jazz Cafe, Murphy’s Place, Ragtime Rick’s, the Waiters and Bellman’s Club, and the Aku-Aku Club that are the notable places — now all gone.” – Barbara Hendel, The Blade, February 28, 2021