Formerly Sylvan Restaurant.

Olga’s Restaurant was located on the south side of Central Avenue, near to where Bob Evan’s Restaurant is currently located. The restaurant was run by Olga Clements and was located next door to the Sylvan Motel.

Olga moved her business to 3816 Alexis Road in 1957. The Florida Restaurant opened up shop at 6201 that same year. Around 1960 there was talk of extending US 23 from Monroe Street to Central Ave. 6201 W. Central (former site circled in white below) was demolished to make way for the highway project, particularly the exit ramp berm from northbound 23 to eastbound Central Avenue. The Moffat Road access on the south side of Central was also created during the highway project.

Moffat used to go directly across Central Avenue before the highway (see expanded 1961 image below).