I have yet to find an original name for this small shopping center, assuming there ever was one. So I’m calling it Fisher Plaza. Carl and Anna Fisher once owned the property and had the plaza built in 1950-51. The builder was D.A. Spitznaugle.

How It All Got Started

Way back before Fisher Plaza, the Fishers operated the Three Gable Inn, offering a restaurant and sleeping cabins for lodging. The 1949 image below shows where the Three Gable Inn was located (circled in black) and where the Fisher Plaza was later built.

In 1946, when looking to sell the property the Fishers referred to it as a “Tourist Camp.” The following ad from 1946 provides detail on the various structures on their property.

In 1948 the Fishers were looking to rent.

Fishers Cabins were still there in 1949…

In 1955 the Fisher Plaza is clearly visible and appears to be doing good business. Also visible in the image below are the Fisher Cabins (circled in white).

In 1960 the cabins are gone, but most of the other structures still remain.

In the 1960s the gas station on the corner (formerly a Shell and Mobil station) was demolished and a new one (Sunoco) replaced it. That Sunoco eventually became Michel Tire, which was later demolished.