Author: retrotoledometro
Horace Mann School, 3800 Sylvania Ave.

Horace Mann School opened in 1930 on the northwest corner of Sylvania Avenue and Harvest Lane. During construction the school went by the name Wamsher School, as noted in the architectural drawing.
Continue reading “Horace Mann School, 3800 Sylvania Ave.”Veteran Homes, Lathrop Place

These home were built on the northeast corner of Central Avenue and Holland-Sylvania Road bordered in by Goodhue Drive and Waldmar Road. Most of the homes remain on Waldmar while none of the homes remain on Holland-Sylvania. Demolition of those homes began in the ’80s when Hong Kong Restaurant, Burger King, Midas and Mewborn Burroughs vet clinic were built.
Continue reading “Veteran Homes, Lathrop Place”Olga Restaurant, 6201 W. Central Ave.
Fisher Plaza, 5842 W. Central Ave.

I have yet to find an original name for this small shopping center, assuming there ever was one. So I’m calling it Fisher Plaza. Carl and Anna Fisher once owned the property and had the plaza built in 1950-51. The builder was D.A. Spitznaugle.

Holly Plaza, 3303 Holland-Sylvania Road

Built c1961. Two buildings located on the northwest corner of Goodhue Drive and Holland-Sylvania Road. Originally named the Holland House Business Center.
Continue reading “Holly Plaza, 3303 Holland-Sylvania Road”Frisch’s Big Boy, 3005 Holland-Sylvania Rd.

Opened in 1977.
Continue reading “Frisch’s Big Boy, 3005 Holland-Sylvania Rd.”Behrman Home, 3015 Holland-Sylvania Rd.

Home of Ervin and Isabelle Behrman (Cross) and children Bud, Charles, Helen, Rachel, Marlene and Diane. Was located about where Sylvania Walk Shoppes now stands. This was also the site of the former McDonalds at the same address.
Continue reading “Behrman Home, 3015 Holland-Sylvania Rd.”19th Hole, 2842 Sylvania Ave.
Houke Home, 6064 W. Central Ave.

Former home of Grover and Mary Houke. Was located on the northeast corner of Fairbanks and Central. House was remodeled c1983 and opened as Central Avenue Snip. Later became Love Auto Leasing, First Midwest Auto Leasing, Westwood Auto Leasing and Grogan Used Cars. Demolished c1995.
Continue reading “Houke Home, 6064 W. Central Ave.”