Home Cafe, 5102 Alexis Rd.

There have been various Home Cafe’s in Lucas County over the years. One at 518 Adams (1903) and one at 811 Jefferson (1925) in downtown Toledo, and another very near this one at 4421 Alexis (1954).

Our Home Cafe appeared on the first floor of the two-story building on the right in 1961. As a kid I passed by this building on occasion and I appreciated it’s rough and always old-timey appearance. Some “enhancements” were attempted in later years.

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Taco Bell, 5030 Monroe St.


Formerly the location of a private residence, zoned agricultural at that time. After being zoned commercial (c1956) the property has been the home of various restaurants over the years including Zantigo (1979), Mi Amigo (1980), Ole Tacos (1981) and Taco Bell (1984) Taco Bell was closed and sold in 2004. The building was demolished and replaced with Discount Tire (2005).

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